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IRBTC - Welcome To Iranian BTC Miners Site

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۲ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Bitcoin Mining» ثبت شده است

CoinSummit Day Two: Mining Superpowers and the 51% Challenge


A significantly thinned out crowd reassembled for the second day of CoinSummit in London today.

Those who didn’t attend the Swam-sponsored afterparty the previous night – or possessed exceptional powers of post-party rejuvenation – dutifully filed into the glass-walled East Wintergarden. Several panelists informed CoinDesk, and in some cases posted on Twitter, that many libations were consumed the previous night.

۰Idea موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۷ تیر ۹۳ ، ۱۶:۲۹

How Bitcoin Mining Works

how bitcoin mining works

In traditional fiat money systems, governments simply print more money when they need to. But in bitcoin, money isn’t printed at all – it is discovered. Computers around the world ‘mine’ for coins by competing with each other

۰Idea موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۸ تیر ۹۳ ، ۱۶:۰۲