Bitcoin Glossary
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Bitcoin Glossary
Confused by some of the terms used on CoinDesk? Here you will find a complete bitcoin 101 that will help you to understand digital currency by explaining commonly used terms and their meanings.
51% attack
A condition in which more than half the computing power on a cryptocurrency network is controlled by a single miner or group of miners. That amount of power theoretically makes them the authority on the network. This means that every client on the network believes the attacker’s hashed transaction block. This gives them control over the network, including the power to:
Issue a transaction that conflicts with someone else’s.
Stop someone else’s transaction from being confirmed.
Spend the same coins multiple times.
Prevent other miners from mining valid blocks.
A bitcoin address is used to receive and send transactions
on the bitcoin network. It contains a string of alphanumeric
characters, but can also be represented as a scannable QR code. A
bitcoin address is also the public key in the pair of keys used by
bitcoin holders to digitally sign transactions (see Public key).
The collective name for cryptocurrencies offered as alternatives to bitcoin. Litecoin, Feathercoin and PPcoin are all altcoins.
Anti-Money Laundering techniques are used to stop people converting
illegally obtained funds, to appear as though they have been earned
legally. AML mechanisms can be legal or technical in nature. Regulators
frequently apply AML techniques to bitcoin exchanges.
An Application Specific Integrated Circuit is a silicon chip
specifically designed to do a single task. In the case of bitcoin, they
are designed to process SHA-256 hashing problems to mine new bitcoins.
ASIC miner
A piece of equipment containing an ASIC chip, configured to mine for bitcoins.
They can come in the form of boards that plug into a backplane, devices
with a USB connector, or standalone devices including all of the
necessary software, that connect to a network via a wireless link or
ethernet cable.
Bitcoin Investment Trust
This private, open-ended trust invests exclusively in bitcoins and uses a state-of-the-art protocol to store them safely on behalf of its shareholders.
It provides a way for people to invest in bitcoin without having to purchase and safely store the digital currency themselves.
Bitcoin Price Index (BPI)
The CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index
represents an average of bitcoin prices across leading global exchanges
that meet criteria specified by the BPI. There is also an API for developers to use.
Bitcoin Whitepaper
The bitcoin whitepaper was written by ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ and posted to a Cryptography Mailing list in 2008. The paper describes the bitcoin protocol in detail, and is well worth a read. Satoshi Nakamoto followed this by releasing the bitcoin code in 2009.
A payment processor for bitcoins, which works with merchants, enabling them to take bitcoins as payment.
Bitcoin white paper
In November 2008, a paper, authored (probably pseudonymously) by Satoshi Nakamoto, was posted on the newly created website with the title ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’. The eight-page document described methods of using a peer-to-peer network to generate “a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust” and laid down the working principles of the cryptocurrency.
An exchange for bitcoins that has been gaining in popularity. Read the latest Bitstamp news.
Block chain
The full list of blocks that have been mined
since the beginning of the bitcoin cryptocurrency. The block chain is
designed so that each block contains a hash drawing on the blocks that
came before it. This is designed to make it more tamperproof.
Block reward
The reward given to a miner which has successfully hashed a transaction block.
This can be a mixture of coins and transaction fees, depending on the
policy used by the cryptocurrency in question, and whether all of the
coins have already been successfully mined. Bitcoin currently awards 25
bitcoins for each block. The block reward halves when a certain number
of blocks have been mined. In bitcoin’s case, the threshold is every
210,000 blocks.
The short currency abbreviation for bitcoins.
A project founded by bitcoin enthusiast Josh Rossi, to form a public
outcry bitcoin exchange in New York’s Union Square. Named after the
Buttonwood agreement, which formed the basis for the New York Stock
Exchange in 1792.
A software program running on a desktop or laptop computer, or mobile
device. It connects to the bitcoin network and forwards transactions.
It may also include a bitcoin wallet (see node).
The act of hashing a bitcoin transaction successfully into a
transaction block, and cementing its validity. A single confirmation
will take around 10 minutes, which is the average length of time for a
transaction block to be hashed. However, some more sensitive or larger
transactions may require multiple confirmations, meaning that more
blocks must be hashed and added to the block chain after the
transaction’s block has been hashed. Each time another block is added to
the block chain after the transaction’s block, the transaction is
confirmed again.
Colored coins
A proposed add-on function for bitcoin that would enable bitcoin users to give them additional attributes.
These attributes could be user-defined, enabling you to mark a bitcoin
as a share of stock, or a physical asset. This would enable bitcoins to
be traded as tokens for other property.
Central Processing Unit – the ‘brain’ of a computer. In the early
days, these were used to hash bitcoin transactions, but are now no
longer powerful enough. They are still sometimes used to hash
transactions for altcoins.
Another name for the input used in a bitcoin’s generation transaction. When a bitcoin is mined, it doesn’t come from another bitcoin user, but is generated as a reward for the miner. That reward is recorded as a transaction, but instead of another user’s bitcoin address, some arbitrary data is used as the input.
is also the name of a bitcoin wallet service that also offers payment
processing services for merchants and acts as an intermediary for
purchasing bitcoins from exchanges.
Coin age
The age of a coin, defined as the currency amount multiplied by the holding period.
A form of currency based on mathematics alone. Instead of fiat
currency, which is printed, cryptocurrency is produced by solving
mathematical problems based on cryptography.
The use of mathematics to create codes and ciphers that can be used
to conceal information. Used as the basis for the mathematical problems
used to verify and secure bitcoin transactions.
A distributed denial of service attack uses large numbers of
computers under an attacker’s control to drain the resources of a
central target. They often send small amounts of network traffic across
the Internet to tie up computing and bandwidth resources at the target,
which prevents it from providing services to legitimate users. Bitcoin
exchanges have sometimes been hit with DDoS attacks.
The reduction of prices in an economy over time. It happens when the
supply of a good or service increases faster than the supply of money,
or when the supply of money is finite, and decreases. This leads to more
goods or services per unit of currency, meaning that less currency is
needed to purchase them. This carries some downsides. When people expect
prices to fall, it causes them to stop spending and hoard money, in the
hope that their money will go further later. This can depress an
This number determines how difficult it is to hash a new block.
It is related to the maximum allowed number in a given numerical
portion of a transaction block’s hash. The lower the number, the more
difficult it is to produce a hash value that fits it. Difficulty varies
based on the amount of computing power used by miners on the bitcoin
network. If large numbers of miners leave a network, the difficulty
would decrease. Thus far, however, bitcoin’s growing popularity has
attracted more computing power to the network, meaning that the
difficulty has increased.
Double spending
The act of spending bitcoins twice. It happens when someone makes a
transaction using bitcoins, and then makes a second purchase from
someone else, using the same bitcoins. They then convince the rest of
the network to confirm only one of the transactions by hashing it in a
block. Double spending is not easy to do, thanks to the way that the
bitcoin network operates, but it is nevertheless a risk run by those accepting zero-confirmation transactions.
Dust transaction
A transaction for an extremely small amount of bitcoins, which offers
little financial value, but takes up space in the block chain. The
bitcoin developer team has taken efforts to eliminate dust transactions
by increasing the minimum transaction amount that will be relayed by the
The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm is the lightweight
cryptographic algorithm used to sign transactions in the Bitcoin
The act of holding funds or assets in a third-party account to
protect them during an asynchronous transaction. If Bob wants to send
money to Alice in exchange for a file, but they cannot conduct the
exchange in person, then how can they trust each other to send the money
and file to each other at the same time? Instead, Bob sends the money
to Eve, a trusted party who holds the funds until Bob confirms that he
has received the file from Alice. She then sends Alice the money.
A central resource for exchanging different forms of money and other assets. Bitcoin exchanges are typically used to exchange the cryptocurrency for other, typically fiat, currencies.
A technique used when first launching an altcoin.
A set number of coins are pre-mined, and given away for free, to
encourage people to take interest in the coin and begin mining it
An altcoin based on the Scrypt proof of work algorithm.
Fiat currency
A currency, conjured out of thin air, which only has value because
people say it does. Constantly under close scrutiny by regulators due to
its known application in money laundering and terrorist activities. Not
to be confused with bitcoin.
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, an agency within the US
Treasury Department. FinCEN has thus far been the main organization to impose regulations on exchanges trading in bitcoin.
The creation of an alternative ongoing version
of the block chain, typically because one set of miners begins hashing a
different set of transaction blocks from another. It can be caused
maliciously, by a group of miners gaining too much control over the
network (see 51% attack), accidentally, thanks to a bug in the system,
or intentionally, when a core development team decides to introduce
substantial new features into a new version of a client. A fork is
successful if it becomes the longest version of the block chain, as
defined by difficulty.
A Field Programmable Gate Array is a processing chip that can be
configured with custom functions after it has been fabricated. Think of
it as a blank silicon slate on which instructions can be written.
Because FPGAs can be produced en masse and configured after fabrication,
manufacturers benefit from economies of scale, making them cheaper than
ASIC chips. However, they are usually far slower.
A cryptocurrency based on the inflation-free principles outlined by the economist Silvio Gessell.
Genesis block
The very first block in the block chain.
The number of hashing attempts possible in a given second, measured in billions of hashes (thousands of Megahashes).
Graphical Processing Unit. A silicon chip specifically designed for
the complex mathematical calculations needed to render millions of
polygons in modern computer game graphics. They are also well suited to
the cryptographic calculations needed in cryptocurrency mining.
A mathematical process that takes a variable amount of data and
produces a shorter, fixed-length output. A hashing function has two
important characteristics. Firstly, it is mathematically difficult to
work out what the original input was by looking at the output. Secondly,
changing even the tiniest part of the input will produce an entirely
different output.
Hash rate
The number of hashes that can be performed by a bitcoin miner in a given period of time (usually a second).
When the value of money drops over time, causing prices for goods to
increase. The result is a drop in purchasing power. Effects include less
motivation to hoard money, and more motivation to spend it quickly
while the prices of goods are still low.
The part of a bitcoin transaction denoting where the bitcoin payment
has come from. Typically, this will be a bitcoin address, unless the
transaction is a generation transaction, meaning that the bitcoin has
been freshly mined (see Coinbase).
The number of hashing attempts possible in a given second, measured in thousands of hashes.
Know Your Client rules force financial institutions to vet the people
they are doing business with, ensuring that they are legitimate.
In foreign currency trading, leverage multiplies the real funds in
your account by a given factor, enabling you to make trades that result
in significant profit. By giving leverage to a trader, the trading
exchange is effectively lending them money, in the hope that it will
earn back more than it loaned in commission. Leverage is also known as a
margin requirement.
Liberty Reserve
A centralized digital currency payment processor based in Costa Rica. It was shut down by the US government, after it was found guilty of money laundering.
An altcoin based on the Scrypt proof of work. Read Litecoin news to find out more.
The ability to buy and sell an asset easily, with pricing that stays
roughly similar between trades. A suitably large community of buyers and
sellers is important for liquidity. The result of an illiquid market is
price volatility, and the inability to easily determine the value of an
Margin call
The act of calling in a margin requirement. An exchange will issue a margin call when it feels that a trader does not have sufficient funds to cover a leveraged trading position.
The number of hashing attempts possible in a given second, measured in millions of hashes (thousands of Kilohashes).
Market order
An instruction given to an exchange,
asking it to buy or sell an asset at the going market rate. In a
bitcoin exchange, you would place a market order if you simply wanted to
buy or sell bitcoins immediately, rather than holding them until a set
market condition is triggered to try and make a profit.
1 thousandth of a bitcoin (0.001 BTC).
Paying a tiny amount
for an asset or service, primarily online. Micro-transactions are
difficult to perform under conventional payment systems, because of the
heavy commissions involved. It is difficult to pay two cents to read an
online article using your credit card, for example.
The act of generating new bitcoins by solving cryptographic problems using computing hardware.
Mixing service
A service that mixes your bitcoins with someone else’s, sending you
back bitcoins with different inputs and outputs from the ones that you
sent to it. A mixing service
(also known as a tumbler) preserves your privacy because it stops
people tracing a particular bitcoin to you. It also has the potential to
be used for money laundering.
Mt. Gox
One of the first bitcoin exchanges, and at one time the most popular. Mt. Gox has since gone into administration. Based in Japan, the exchange was started by Jed McCaleb in 2010. Read the latest Mt. Gox news.
An altcoin
designed to provide an alternative to the traditional domain name
system (DNS). Users can register .bit domains, accessible via proxy
servers, by paying with namecoins.
A computer connected to the bitcoin network using a client that relays transactions to others (see client).
A random string of data used as an input when hashing a transaction block.
A nonce is used to try and produce a digest that fits the numerical
parameters set by the bitcoin difficulty. A different nonce will be used
with each hashing attempt, meaning that billions of nonces are
generated when attempting to hash each transaction block.
Orphan block
A block which is not a part of the valid block chain, but which was instead part of a fork that was discarded.
OTC exchange
An exchange in which traders make deals with each other directly, rather than relying on a central exchange to mediate between them.
The destination address for a bitcoin transaction. There can be multiple outputs for a single transaction.
Peer-to-peer. Decentralized interactions that happen between at least
two parties in a highly interconnected network. An alternative system
to a ‘hub-and-spoke’ arrangement, in which all participants in a
transaction deal with each other through a single mediation point.
Paper wallet
A printed sheet containing one or more public bitcoin addresses and their corresponding private keys. Often used to store bitcoins
securely, instead of using software wallets, which can be corrupted, or
web wallets, which can be hacked or simply disappear. A useful form of
cold bitcoin storage.
A collection of mining clients which collectively mine a block, and
then split the reward between them. Mining pools are a useful way to
increase your probability of successfully mining a block as the
difficulty rises.
AKA Peercoin or P2P coin. An altcoin using the proof of stake mechanism in conjunction with proof of work. Based on a paper produced by Sunny King and Scott Nadal.
The mining of coins by a cryptocurrency’s founder before that coin
has been announced and details released to others who may wish to mine
the coin. Pre-mining is a common technique used with scamcoins, although
not all pre-mined coins are scamcoins (see Scamcoins).
Developed by Sunny King, Primecoin uses a proof of work system to calculate prime numbers.
Private key
An alphanumeric string kept secret by the user, and designed to sign a
digital communication when hashed with a public key. In the case of
bitcoin, this string is a private key designed to work with a public
key. The public key is a bitcoin address (see Bitcoin address).
Payment Service Provider. The PSP offers payment processing services for merchants who wish to accept payments online.
Pump and dump
Inflating the value of a financial asset that has been produced or
acquired cheaply, using aggressive publicity and often misleading
statements. The publicity causes others to acquire the asset, forcing up
its value. When the value is high enough, the perpetrator sells their
assets, cashing in and flooding the market, which causes the value to
Process node
The size of a transistor in nanometers, produced during a chip fabrication process. Smaller process nodes are more efficient.
Proof of stake
An alternative to proof of work, in which your existing stake in a
currency (the amount of that currency that you hold) is used to
calculate the amount of that currency that you can mine.
Proof of work
A system that ties mining capability to computational power. Blocks must be hashed,
which is in itself an easy computational process, but an additional
variable is added to the hashing process to make it more difficult. When
a block is successfully hashed, the hashing must have taken some time
and computational effort. Thus, a hashed block is considered proof of
Public key
An alphanumeric string which is publicly known, and which is hashed
with another, privately held string to sign a digital communication. In
the case of bitcoin, the public key is a bitcoin address.
QR code
A two-dimensional graphical block containing a monochromatic pattern
representing a sequence of data. QR codes are designed to be scanned by
cameras, including those found in mobile phones, and are frequently used
to encode bitcoin addresses.
A payment network
that can be used to transfer any currency (including ad hoc currencies
that have been created by users). The network consists of payment nodes
and gateways operated by authorities. Payments are made using a series
of IOUs, and the network is based on trust relationships.
The smallest subdivision of a bitcoin currently available (0.00000001 BTC).
Satoshi Nakamoto
The name used by the original inventor of the Bitcoin protocol, who withdrew from the project at the end of 2010.
An altcoin produced with the sole purpose of making money for the
originator. Scamcoins frequently use pump and dump techniques and
pre-mining together.
An alternative proof of work system to SHA-256, designed to be
particularly friendly to CPU and GPU miners, while offering little
advantage to ASIC miners.
A digital digest produced by hashing private and public keys together to prove that a bitcoin transaction came from a particular address.
Silk Road
An underground online marketplace, generally used for illicit purchases, often with cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. Silk Road was shut down in early October 2013 by the FBI after owner Ross Ulbricht was arrested.
The Single European Payments Area. A payment integration agreement
within the European Union, designed to make it easier to transfer funds
between different banks and nations in euros.
The cryptographic function used as the basis for bitcoin’s proof of work system.
Simplified Payment Verification. A feature of the Bitcoin protocol
that enables nodes to verify payments without downloading the full block
chain. Instead, they need only download block headers.
When a bitcoin block is successfully hashed, any others attempting to
hash it may as well stop, because it is now ‘stale’. They would simply
be repeating work that someone else has already done, for no reward. The
term is also used in mining pools to describe a share of a hashing job
that has already been completed.
An analysis of how closely related two addresses are when they have
both held a particular bitcoin. A taint analysis could be used to
determine how many steps it took for bitcoins to move from an address
known for stolen coins, to the current address.
The number of hashing attempts possible in a given second, measured in trillions of hashes (thousands of Gigahashes).
An alternative bitcoin block chain, used purely for testing purposes.
An anonymous routing protocol, used by people wanting to hide their identity online.
Transaction block
A collection of transactions on the bitcoin network, gathered into a block that can then be hashed and added to the block chain.
Transaction fee
A small fee imposed on some transactions sent across the bitcoin
network. The transaction fee is awarded to the miner that successfully
hashes the block containing the relevant transaction.
One microbitcoin (0.000001 BTC)
Vanity address
A bitcoin address with a desirable pattern, such as a name.
Virgin bitcoin
Bitcoins purchased as a reward for mining a block. These have not yet been spent anywhere.
The measurement of price movements over time for a traded financial asset (including bitcoin).
A method of storing bitcoins
for later use. A wallet holds the private keys associated with bitcoin
addresses. The block chain is the record of the bitcoin amounts
associated with those addresses.
Wire transfer
Electronically transferring money from one person to another.
Commonly used to send and retrieve fiat currency from bitcoin exchanges.
A protocol designed to make cryptocurrency transactions truly anonymous.
Zero-confirmation transaction
A transaction in which the merchant is happy to provide a product or service before the bitcoin’s transmission has been confirmed by a miner and added to the block chain. It can carry a risk of double spending.
