Circle Appoints Former Bank of Ireland Director to Head European Operations
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Circle Appoints Former Bank of Ireland Director to Head European Operations
Boston-based Circle Internet Financial has been somewhat of a mystery since announced. Their entire business, it seems, has remained under wraps, and the community is eagerly awaiting for what they have in store and how it could change the current crypto landscape.
And while it seems that period of waiting will continue for the foreseeable future, the company does come out here and there with tidbits of information on their development.
Take today, for example. The company announced on their official blog that they have made a new, impressive hire.
His name is Garrett Cassidy, and he’s a Financial Technology ‘leader’ and a former Programme Director of the Bank of Ireland, a post at which he put in nearly two years from 2012 – 2014.
Based in Dublin, Cassidy has been appointed Circle’s Managing Director of European operations, a position that will require him to closely watch over the company’s doings in the European Union and also manage effective strategies.
Circle’s Maria Tucker writes:
Garrett brings more than twenty years of experience in technology, finance, capital markets, operations and payments. Prior to joining Circle, Garrett held senior positions at Bank of Ireland, Ulster Bank, and Goldman Sachs. Garrett’s wide-ranging expertise in financial technology and payment systems, deep understanding of regulatory requirements, and experience scaling operations to support consumer financial products all provide Circle with a tremendous anchor as we build our organisation in Europe.
The company says they are “extremely happy” to have him on the team.
High profile hires
Circle has been working on establishing a team of elite financial professionals to help guide them through the process of getting their business of the ground.
Late last year, the company added a Michele Burns (on the boards of Goldman Sachs and Cisco) to their board of directors. Later in January, the company announced the hiring of Michael Barrett, who has worked as the vice president of security at American Express and chief information security officer at PayPal.
To date, the company has received tens of millions of dollars in venture capitalism financing, though they have not announced when their service will be publicly available.