Project Skyhook Announces Shipment of 150th Bitcoin ATM
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Project Skyhook Announces Shipment of 150th Bitcoin ATM
Bitcoin ATMs: they’ve become so very popular. A point proven today by Project Skyhook, who announced via their blog that they have shipped their 150th unit.
Demand for the Skyhook units have been quite high primarily given their low-cost pricing. Compared to competitors’ pricing, the Skyhook only runs at $999, and Project Skyhook says that demand “is very strong, and growing every day.”
In the past month, the team says they’ve sold 70 ATMs, and they’re apparently projecting even greater demand in the next month.
“Our goal this year is to sell 1,000 units, and thanks to our great customers (seriously, we love you, thank you), we’re strongly on track to meet that goal,” they write.
The team also notes that customer issues with the machines have been minimal, adding they’ve “gotten a lot of great testimonials and very creative use stories.”
They write:
Our goal with Skyhook has been to make it possible for everyone to become a Bitcoin exchange, so that the buying of Bitcoin is easy, accessible, and not restricted to a single central source. We’re happy that people are using Skyhook ATMs to make it easy for everyone to buy Bitcoins, and we’re proud of our role in improving the Bitcoin ecosystem by reducing our dependence on centralized exchanges.
Skyhook ATMs are designed to be easy to manufacture, and even feature a pre-installed tablet to act as the touch screen interface.
Most recently, Canadian start-up Quadriga CX announced plans to install 30 of the devices throughout Vancouver